Social Media Management Harness the Power of Social Media
Over the past 25 years, social media has certainly proven itself and continues to be a significant part of daily life. For authorized automotive dealerships, it provides an opportunity to deliver brand messages to the right people at the right time and attract the interest of potential customers during their daily routines.
Our Main Idea The online activity of your customers is rapidly growing. Before heading to a retail outlet, they research, read reviews, and find the necessary recommendations. Meanwhile, some motivated dealers are building their own followers, shaping your brand's presence on social media. When it comes to the relationship between brand consistency and local activity, we began to question social media.
Define Your Presence on Social Media Marketing within a dealer network is distinctive. The distributor company acts as the owner and representative of the brand. Through dealer locations, the brand is given local life. Your customers establish trust and relationship integrity with your company through dealers, while also forming a connection with your brand. Social media provides the most ideal way to establish both corporate and local connections within a dealer system. The main challenge here is determining how to structure your widespread social media presence across the country. We are in the automotive sector, so all communications, including locals, are "serious matters" for us. Therefore, the management of your brand touchpoints on social media should be addressed both corporately and locally. The corporate brand communicates directly with the end customer, but customers can also communicate through dealers at the same time. Therefore, local participation should be facilitated in brand consistency.
How can we help? Social media is a communication channel that allows businesses to interact directly with their customers and other stakeholders. Developing a social media solution tailored to the dynamics of your Dealerdoping organization, (e.g., Dealersocial) helps you thoroughly examine the issues that need to be considered. Due to our long-standing experience collaborating with automotive dealer networks through Dealersocial services, we possess the technical skills to manage multiple dealers' social media accounts effectively, while also being sensitive to automotive retail needs. We provide support to enhance your social media presence by:
  • Organizing dealers' social media activities while considering brand identity and guidelines
  • Ensuring consistency in attitude and tone across all dealers' social media channels
  • Developing communication and content strategies tailored to local requirements and country action plans
  • Conducting competitive analysis, KPI tracking based on comparison, and creating social 'listening' report structures
We provide support to enhance your social media presence by:
  • Quickly access brand-approved content through us.
  • Also develop their own exclusive content in compliance with brand rules through us.
  • Track and manage social media posts published on their channels and handle comments.
  • Reach local consumers actively, quickly, conveniently, and effectively.
We work directly with the brand team and dealers to provide and ensure the most suitable solution for your brand and dealer network. We are aware of their and the consumers' expectations.